Many owners and managers of companies give up on keeping track of non-compliance with their travel policies because addressing all infractions takes up so much (valuable) management time. However, it is not always necessary to keep track of every single infraction of the travel policy. In this article, we share the top three issues that CrewFacilities reviews reveal as the most important infractions to receive notifications about.
Booking a Flight Without Booking a HotelYour employees should always book a hotel when they book a flight. This is one way through which you can cut costs by taking advantage of bundled services each time your employees travel. You should therefore program your booking system to send you an alert each time an employee gets plane tickets without booking a hotel. Crew Facilities reviews are awash with praise for the savings that have been made by using the alerts sent to correct this errant booking behavior.
Bookings That Exceed LimitsEvery travel policy should have caps on the cost of hotels and flights that employees can book. CrewFacilities always insists that management receives an alert each time an employee books a flight or hotel that is more costly than what the travel policy permits. Management can then decide whether to authorize such a booking or deny approval in order to avoid unnecessary costs.
Last Minute BookingsIt is usually more affordable to book flights or hotels more than a week before an employee is due to travel. This advance booking allows the company to take advantage of the savings that can be made. An alert should therefore be triggered each time an employee makes a booking less than one week before he or she is due to travel. Such cases can be investigated so that remedial action is taken to ensure travel policy compliance. CrewFacilities reviews attest to the savings that can be made when all employee are brought in line regarding this booking requirement.
Each company is unique, so what may be important to warrant non-compliance alerts for one company may differ from what another company will regard as important. understands these differences and works with companies to develop a list of priorities to focus on when monitoring travel policy compliance. Get in touch with Andrea Tsakanikas and learn how CrewFacilities can work with you to turn things around if your travel policy has been routinely ignored by employees.
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